The Minister of Water and Equipment, Nizar Baraka announced the launch of studies relating to the construction of a seawater desalination station in Tangier on the occasion of the meeting of the board of directors of the Loukkos hydraulic basin agency (ABHL). This project will play a crucial role in the supply of drinking water to the Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima region, indicates the weekly L’Observateur du Maroc et d’Afrique.

“Planned for the next two to four years, the station will have a production capacity of 70 million m3. A significant contribution to the region which has suffered from an increasing scarcity of rain in recent years with a deficit of 35% last year,” we read.

The chosen site, close to the pipes of the April 9 and Dhar Khrofa dams, will facilitate the supply of drinking water to Tangier. The project will require considerable financial and technical investment and will also benefit farmers in the Loukkous region of Larache.

At the same time, Baraka highlighted the installation of floating barges at the Dar Khrofa, Kharroub, Mohammed ben AbdelKrim Al Khattabi and Rhiss dams, and the acceleration of the construction of the Rhiss dam to secure the supply of drinking water to the Al system. Hoceima, whose work progress rate reached 97%.

“The minister focused on ongoing initiatives to create participatory and sustainable management agreements for groundwater resources for the Charaf El Akab aquifers, the Mediterranean coastal aquifer and Rhiss-Nekkor,” indicates L’ Observer of Morocco and Africa.

At the same time, projects to reuse treated wastewater for irrigation of green spaces and golf courses are underway, aiming to alleviate pressure on water resources. An awareness program on water saving and more rational use of this essential resource has also been launched.

Source: le 360

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