Algerian-American cooperation crosses oceans. An ambitious aquaculture project is emerging, involving shrimp which will now have a very American taste. An important project in the field of aquaculture was signed yesterday afternoon between the private Algerian company Aqua Continental and the American company Ese Industries. This project aims, in the long term, to ensure Algeria’s self-sufficiency in shrimp farming and the food necessary for this type of activity. The signing ceremony, which was held at the headquarters of the The United States Embassy in Algiers saw the presence of the American Ambassador, Elisabeth Moore Aubin. She marked her presence by emphasizing that this contract demonstrates the successful collaboration between her country of origin and her adopted country. “This shrimp raised in Algeria with the help of American technology demonstrates the win-win partnership between Algeria and the USA,” she said. “It shows the possibilities for business and collaboration between the two countries and paves the way for contracts of the same type in the near future,” added the ambassador. “I am really delighted for the realization of this second project,” she rejoiced before thanking the company Aqua Continental for having chosen a company from Uncle Sam’s country as a partner. Madjid Abaoub, general manager of Aqua Continental also thanked the American ambassador for his valuable help as well as its American partner.

He indicated that he and his partners invested 8 million euros in this major project. “It should allow us to ensure self-sufficiency of the entire production chain of farmed shrimp,” he indicated with great pride. He specified that the project was implemented in Oued Rhiou, in the wilaya of Relizane. “It is part of the strategy of the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, to diversify the national economy, create wealth and reduce imports,” he added. The project, which began to see the light of day two years ago, has already resulted in the signing of two contracts with American and South Korean partners. The first contract concerns the reproduction of shrimp, the second their growth, and today their feeding. “Today’s contract comes full circle to ensure our independence and self-sufficiency, without resorting to imports,” he rejoiced. Until now, shrimp were entirely imported into Algeria.” This is the first project of this kind in Algeria and Africa. We hope it will serve as a pilot project so that in the long term we no longer need to import. We will even be able to export, and the Algerians will have these shellfish at low prices,” he explained. This project also creates wealth, since it will make it possible to do without imports and create jobs in an isolated region. “150 to 200 direct and indirect jobs are planned for a start,” he said. In addition, an overproduction of baby shrimp and food is planned, making it possible to supply the rest of the national market. “In the medium term, we aim to export the three elements that we produce,” he reported. The project is also beneficial for agriculture, thanks to the recycling of pond water to recover very powerful natural fertilizers. A technology transfer is planned, with Algerian employees who will go to Kansas, in the United States, to train.

The project is so important that Josef Walter Barbi, CEO of Ese Industries, traveled to Algeria despite his fragile health. Barbi was delighted to conclude this first contract in Africa and ensures that his company’s 40 years of experience will be used for the success of the project. “Algeria has more than 1,300 km of coastline, it has everything to be a world leader in aquaculture. We hope that this contract will pave the way for this ambition,” he said. The American businessman expressed his satisfaction with the quality of his Algerian partner’s project. He hopes that this partnership in Algeria will open the door to other collaborations with African countries, thus transforming Africa into a global “great ocean” of aquaculture…

Source: l’expression dz

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