As part of a study aimed at mid-term evaluation of the Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (Feampa 2021-2027), the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission is launching a online survey, particularly among fishing and aquaculture stakeholders.

The objective of the questionnaire, online until April 15, is to examine the effectiveness, coherence and added value of the EMFF. The survey is aimed at both actual and potential beneficiaries of the EMFA and was widely distributed to Galpa (local fisheries aquaculture action group), producer organizations and members of the EMFA monitoring committees in all countries. members of the European Union. The survey focuses in particular on the level of participation in the drafting of the 2021-2027 Feampa national programs. These are developed by each Member State and establish the national strategy for spending the budget allocated to each country.

Level of simplification

The questionnaire also seeks to assess the level of relevance of the fund in relation to socio-economic and environmental needs. It questions beneficiaries on the clarity of information and procedures, the simplicity of communication with services, the speed of instruction and response and asks them for their opinion on the level of simplification of the Emfpa (2021-2027) by report to the EMFF (2014-2020).

The questions also list the main problems encountered, the time and costs associated with the request and the main results expected from the assistance whether this is an increase in turnover or a reduction in environmental impacts. Finally, the survey also questions non-beneficiaries on the reasons for their non-participation.

Source: Le marin

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