Whether you’re a scuba diver or not, we’ve all seen scuba divers jumping backwards into the water from a boat. A technique that may seem strange when you know that diving without a tank is done head first. But then, why do divers dive backwards?

To the question “why do divers dive backwards?” « , many will answer you: « well because otherwise they fall in the boat! » Behind this joke, known to all, hides a very specific reason which has little to do with the bottom of the boat. Diving backwards when scuba diving is a matter of practicality and safety. Although there are different ways of getting into the water before a dive, the most common is certainly that of the back flip which allows the diver to slip into the water without putting themselves in danger or taking the risk of getting caught. hurt. This is an ideal technique for beginners.

Always do a back flip before diving: not just a joke

So, contrary to what the joke on the packaging of a famous brand of soft caramel for children suggests, if the divers dive backwards, it is not to avoid falling head first to the bottom of the boat!

The weight of the diving equipment is often significant (around 10 kilograms), and it is difficult to move easily with such a shell on your back. When practicing the back tilt, the diver’s back touches the water first, he thus takes advantage of the inertia generated by the weight of his equipment to enter the water gently and following the natural position of his body. If he plunged forward, his arms, legs and neck would be pulled backwards which could cause injury.

Why do some divers throw themselves forward into the water?

However, not all divers practice the back flip. On boats dedicated to diving cruises, a platform at the rear of the boat allows you to practice straight jumping. The straight jump consists of presenting yourself fully equipped at the edge of the pontoon and taking a big step forward to enter the water vertically. Traditionally taught in the first hours of diving, the straight jump can only be done from a certain height in order to avoid hitting the boat while diving.

What should you never neglect when diving?

Scuba diving falls into the category of extreme sports. The risks associated with practicing this sport should not be taken lightly. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced diver, the same rules apply to everyone and every dive. For beginners, it is essential to have completed diving training with professionals in the sector in order to be familiar with the equipment and to have learned the basics such as breathing with a holder, the signs of communication under the water or even balancing the pressure in the ears. Each dive must be done with a buddy, after a double check of the equipment and its proper functioning, and in the absence of blocked noses or ears.

Source: ca m’interesse

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