On Wednesday, July 3rd, the skipper of Good Morning Pouce achieved a new benchmark time between New York and Cape Lizard sailing solo aboard a Class40, completing the course in 10 days, 9 hours, and 15 minutes.

Anatole Facon broke the North Atlantic crossing record (pending ratification by the WSSSC) on Wednesday, July 3rd, sailing solo aboard his Class40, Good Morning Pouce.

The 23-year-old sailor completed the 2,867 nautical miles between New York and Cape Lizard in 10 days, 9 hours, and 15 minutes, achieving an average speed of 11.5 knots on the great circle route. In actual distance traveled, he covered 3,150 nautical miles at an average speed of 12.6 knots. If validated by the authority, Anatole will have beaten the previous record by over 26 hours!

« Unbelievable! It was so tough, I didn’t give up, » he commented in a video sent from onboard just after crossing the virtual finish line. « Thanks to everyone and thanks to Victor (the project leader). We smashed the record by 24 hours, it’s incredible! Ten days to cross the North Atlantic, isn’t that amazing? I’m so emotional, it was worth it. »

Anatole Facon is currently heading towards Brittany where he is expected to arrive tomorrow, Thursday, to celebrate this record with the public at Port du Crouesty (Arzon) at 5 PM.

After some rest, the skipper will then set his sights on another ambitious record: sailing solo around the world in a Class40.

Source: Voiles et voiliers Ouest France

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