Togo has just approved a national strategy for the sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture.

This validation of the strategy is part of the project to Strengthen the Resilience of Coastal Communities to Climate Change in Togo (R4C-Togo). This project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by the Office for the Development and Management of Forests (ODEF) in partnership with the FAO.

The document is structured around several key areas, including improving the productivity of fishery resources, sustainable management of products, resource valorization, and governance of the subsector. The goal is to make the fisheries sector more resilient, particularly in the face of climate change, and to enhance the livelihoods of communities.

With a total cost of 4.4 billion FCFA, the R4C-Togo project was launched in September 2022.

Source: lobservateur

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