Some description text for this item
Friday September 13, 2024
8:00-8:30 am: Welcome
8:30-9:15 am : Opening and presentation of the implementation of the European Union Mission “Restoring our Ocean and Waters, by 2030 in the Mediterranean region and beyond”
- Welcome by Rym Benzina, President of La Saison Bleue
- Pascal Lamy, President of the Forum Mondial de la Mer – Bizerte
- Karim Amellal, Ambassador, Interministerial Delegate for the Mediterranean, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
- Elisabetta Balzi, Head of “Ocean, Seas and Waters” Unit, European Commission
- Review of previous years’ conclusions and the Mediterranean exchanges by Gauthier Carle, Head of Advocacy, Plateforme Océan & Climat
- Fedra Francocci, Researcher at the National Research Council, Institute for the Study of Anthropic Impacts and Sustainability in the Marine Environment, Italy
- Geneviève Pons, DG of Europe Jacques Delors.
- Guillaume Sainteny, Chairman of Plan Bleu
9:15-11:45 am : Preservation of marine ecosystems: Sustainable solutions for a blue future
9:15-10:30 am : What are the challenges and solutions for restoring Biodiversity of the Mediterranean?
- Bechir Béjaoui, Research Professor at National Institute of Marine Science and Technology, Tunisia
- Giuseppe Di Carlo, Directeur, Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy
- Fedra Francocci, Researcher at the National Research Council, Institute for the Study of Anthropic Impacts and Sustainability in the Marine Environment, Italy
- Mahmoud Elyes Hamza, Director de SPA/RAC
- Clément Lavigne, Director of Ocean Policy at the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco, Albert 1st Prince of Monaco Foundation
- Maher Mahjoub, Director, IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
- Shweta Naik, IOC Member, Ocean Literacy Group of Experts (GoE), India
- Patricia Ricard, President, Institut Océanographique Paul Ricard
- Rania Mechergui, Researcher in Biodiversity Conservation at the National Institute of Rural Engineering, Water, and Forests (INRGREF Tunisia)
10:30-11:00 am : How to address pollution in the Mediterranean?
10h30-11h : Grand Ocean vs. Mediterranean: From Cherbourg to Bizerte, are the battles the same? (Duplex with guests from Grand Ocean, Cherbourg)
Animation :
Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Ambassador for Ocean and Poles, special envoy of the French President for the 3rd United Nations Ocean Conference
11h – 11h50 am: What science for the Ocean?
- Opening by Vidar Helgesen, Executive Secretary of the IOC, with the rank of Assistant Director-General of UNESCO
- Ward Appeltans, Program Specialist, in charge of the IOC Ocean Biodiversity Information System
- Pierre Bahurel, Managing Director, Mercator Ocean International
- Mehdi Ben Haj, Interim Director General at the Coastal Protection and Development Agency
- Jean Pierre Gattuso, CNRS Research Director, online
- Amel Hamza, Professor at the University of Sfax and Member of the Tunisian Academy of Sciences-Beit al Hikma
- Marina Lévy, IRD Oceans Advisor
- Geneviève Pons, DG of Europe Jacques Delors.
- Francesco Petracchini, Director of the Department of Earth System Science and Environmental Technologies, National Research Council
- Andreea Strachinescu Olteanu, Head of European Union Unit, European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
11:50 – 1:00 pm: Drivers for a sustainable, regenerative blue economy
- Opening by Elyès Ben Rayana, General Manager, Value Tunisia
12:00 – 12h20 am: Fisheries and aquaculture: presentation of challenges and innovative solutions
12:00 – 12:05 am: Key Speaker :
- Miguel Bernal, Executive Secretary, General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean – FAO, pre-recorded video.
- Lobna Ben Nakhla, Species Conservation Program Manager, SPA/RAC
- Mounir Boulkout, Managing Director, SELT Marine Group
Othman Jarboui, Program Coordinator of MedSea4Fish
- Mohamed Ben Ahmed, CEO AQUADEEP
Stefania Campogianni, Regional Project Manager for Plastic Pollution, Mediterranean Marine Initiative, WWF
12:20 – 12:40 am: Challenges and innovation in maritime and port transport
- Opening by Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), online
- Sarah Amri, Director of Finance and member of the Management Board, Port of Marseille FOS
- Slim Bouakez, Business Manager of WaterSec
Beladjine Boumediene, Company Coordinator at the Laboratory of Maritime and Environmental Engineering (LSIM)
- Salem Miladi, Blue Economy Expert at Ecorys and European Commission
12:40 – 01:00 pm: Sustainable tourism: presentation of challenges and innovative solutions
- Margherita Cappelletto, Coordinator of the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, Ministry of University and Research TBC
- Manel Ben Ismail, Responsable of Alliances de Destination, Tunisie
- Ahmed Ayadi, Co-Founder & Project Manager at Tuniboat
- Claire Richard, Coordinator BeMed
- Anis Zarrouk, President, Yachting Club Association, Port Director, Marina Gammarth
2:30 pm – 4:30 pm: High-Level Segment, key witnesses, and distinguished speakers
2:30 – 4:00 pm: From Bizerte to Nice: how to address the Mediterranean at UNOC3, Nice 2025? Preparations for the Mediterranean Day (June 10, 2025)
- Mehdi Ben Haj, Interim Director General at the Coastal Protection and Development Agency
- Richard Brisius, CEO The Ocean Race
- Sieglinde Gruber, Senior Advisor to the European Commission
- Pascal Lamy, President of the Bizerte Forum
- Rémi Parmentier, President, The Varda Group
- Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Ambassador for Poles and Maritime Issues, MEAE, Special Envoy of the French President for the 3rd United Nations Ocean Conference
04:00 – 04:15 pm: Key Speaker
- Romain Troublé, President of the Ocean & Climate Platform / General Director of the Tara Ocean Foundation
04:15 – 04:30 pm: Hot spots of the Ocean 2024/ 2025: Brussels, New York, Cali, San José, Baku, Pusan …
- Adel Ben youssef, Teacher, Researcher, and Negotiator for Tunisia at COP 29
04:30 – 06:00pm: Maritime mobilization and community engagement, ambassadors for Mission Bleue
04:30 – 04:40pm: Key Speaker
- Satya Oblette, Ambassador, storytelling of the journey across Africa, from North to South
Moderated by Neila Benzina, CEO Wimbee
- Giulia Antidormi, Public Relations, Med Area
- Adel Azzouni, Geologist and environmental consultant – Founder of the Eco-Lab collective, online
- Souhail Baabaa, Head of project Club Jeunes Science Kerkennah
- Myriam Belgacem, CEO and founder of INNOVALGUE
- Chaima Ben Grira, Project Manager at WWF-Tunisie
- Anas Sabbagh, co-fondateur de Dowit
- Youssef Bouzariata and Mohamed Rammeh, co-founder, Wayout
- Anis Daoud, Director at Advantage Consulting
- Skander Amamou, Youth CEO, SM Drone & Oussama Naouar, Youth CEO, Cleaning Boats, Graines D’entrepreneurs
- Ghassen Fhimi, COO, Graines D’entrepreneurs
- Faiçal Ghzaiel, President, Association Jlij pour l’Environnement Marin
- Asma Hamza, President, ASCOB-Syrtis
- Rami Kalboussi, Managing Director, Mare Custos
- Abbes Mohsen, Ambassador, Founding Member of GEHN
- Haïkel Drine, Business Partner, Factory 319, CEO et fondateur d’Afrikanda
- Anas Sabbagh, Co-Founder, Dowit
6:00-6:20 pm: Drafting of conclusions and recommendations
6.20 -7 pm: Presentation of the synthesis of the Forum Mondial de la Mer Bizerte in the presence of Tunisian Environment Minister Leïla Chikhaoui and other guests
Presentation of the Synthesis by:
- Rym Benzina, President of La Saison Bleue
- Pascal Lamy, President of the World Maritime Forum – Bizerte
- Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Special Envoy of the French President for the 3rd United Nations Ocean Conference
- Julia Tasse, Director of Research at IRIS and head of the Climate Program
Address by:
- Olga Anagnostopoulou, Ambassador of Greek to Tunisia
- Anne Guéguen, Ambassador of France to Tunisia
- Habib Abid, Tunisian Minister of the Environment
8:30 pm: dinner at Café le Pacha and “Les Fêtes de la Mer” evening, Vieux Port de Bizerte (transfer from Hotel Nour, 8:20 pm)
Friday September 22, 2023
9:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Opening
- Welcome by Rym Benzina, President of The Blue Season
- 2023, A Year Unlike Any Other” by Pascal Lamy, President of the Bizerte Forum
- Review of the Bizerte Declaration 2022 and Future Prospects by Gautier Carle, Advocacy Manager, Ocean and Climate Platform.
- Emmanuelle Lachaussée, Deputy Director Climate & Environment, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, France
9:30 AM – 1:00 PM: The Ocean 2050 as we envision it the Future
The Ocean has never held such a high place on the global political agenda. In just a year, significant progress has been made in biodiversity protection, High Seas governance, combating plastic pollution, and regulating illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. However, these advancements reveal the need to go further and faster. Urgencies and future threats require more than goodwill, complex treaties, and a lack of a virtuous economic and financial dynamic. The Ocean needs effective and responsive instruments, a mobilizing and pragmatic agenda, and meeting clauses.
2050 is a long way off, but it is also the horizon that allows us to evaluate risks, opportunities, and consequences for ecosystems and populations, to build these new instruments:
- A scientific assessment dedicated to decision-making.
- A fresh mobilization of economic and financial actors for equitable development
- True co-construction with sea users and citizens.
Moderator: Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Ambassador for Ocean and Polar Affairs, Special Envoy of the President of the Republic for the United Nations Ocean Conference.
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM: What Do Scientists Tell Us About Ocean Boiling?
- Opening by Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, Deputy Director-General of UNESCO.
- Béchir Bejaoui, Researcher at the National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia
- Joachim Claudet, Research Director and Ocean Advisor at CNRS
- Amel Hamza-Chaffai, Professor at the University of Sfax and Member of the Tunisian Academy of Sciences-Beit al Hikma
- François Houllier, CEO of IFREMER
- Marina Lévy, Oceanography Research Director, Deputy Director of the Ocean Department at IRD
10:30 AM – 11:40 AM: Geopolitics of the Ocean: Scenarios for 2050
- Opening by Tiago Pitta e Cunha, Chief Executive Officer of the Oceano Azul Foundation, Lisbon.
- Pierre Bahurel, Chief Executive Officer of Mercator Ocean International
- Elyes Ben Rayana, Chief Executive Officer of Value
- Gilles Kleitz, Executive Director of Sustainable Development, French Development Agency
- Clément Lavigne, Director of Ocean Policy, Oceanographic Institute, Albert 1st Foundation, Monaco
- Mikaa Mered, Lecturer in Hydrogen Geopolitics and Overseas Geopolitics, Sciences Po / Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco
- Patricia Ricard, President of the Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute
- Julia Tasse, Co-director of the Defense & Climate Observatory, Research Director at IRIS
- Thomas Puga, Commander, French Navy.
11:40 AM – 12:00 PM: Live Duplex from Marseille with the 6th Edition of “Méditerranée du Futur.”
- Renaud Muselier, President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region
- Karim Amellal, Ambassador, Interministerial Delegate for the Mediterranean
- Nasser Kamel, Secretary-General of the Union for the Mediterranean
- Discussion with participants from the Bizerte Sea Forum.
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM: Europe and the Ocean: The 2050 Agenda
- Catherine Chabaud, Navigator, Member of the European Parliament, Brussels
- Sieglinde Gruber, Senior Advisor for the European Commission
- Claudia Pecoraro, Policy Officer, European Commission-Healthy Oceans & Seas Unit, DG Research & Innovation
- Geneviève Pons, Director General, Vice President, Jacques Delors Institute Europe, Brussels
12:30 PM – 1:00 PM: Live Duplex from the United Nations, New York, for the Conclusions of the Climate Action Summit
- Ashok Adicéam, International Affairs and Negotiations Manager for the United Nations Ocean Conference, Special Envoy
Discussions and Morning Conclusions.
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Lunch at Nour Hotel.
2:00 PM – 6:00 PM: The Mediterranean: A Sea in Boil?
- Opening by Almotaz Abadi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Union for the Mediterranean.
The summer of 2023 was the hottest ever recorded in the Mediterranean, with an average sea temperature reaching 28.4°C in July, surpassing the previous record by 0.15°C. This rapid warming of the sea’s surface is due to natural factors such as lack of wind and clouds, with immediate impacts on populations and marine biodiversity in countries like Italy, Greece, Turkey, Algeria, and Tunisia. Corals, gorgonians, sea urchins, and mollusks are suffering from these extreme temperatures, threatening some local species. Furthermore, extreme weather events, drought, and rising sea levels pose risks to populations, agriculture, food security, and natural heritage in the Mediterranean region. A 2019 report indicated that more than half of the world’s cities most exposed to rising sea levels are in the Mediterranean.
Is the Mediterranean, considered the most threatened basin by global warming and the most polluted sea, now the hot spot of the climate crisis?
Moderator: Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Ambassador for Ocean and Polar Affairs, Special Envoy of the President of the Republic for the United Nations Ocean Conference.
2:15 PM – 3:45 PM: Barcelona: 50 Years and Beyond?
- Opening by Tatjana Hema, Coordinator of the Action Plan for the Mediterranean (PAM) – United Nations Program.
- Giulia Antidormi, The Coalition of Mayors for Mission Ocean
- Khadija Amine, Sustainable Development and foresight Manager, Plan Bleu
- Romy Hentinger, Director of Advocacy and International Cooperation, Tara Ocean Foundation
- Rémi Parmentier, President of the Varda Group, Madrid
- Josep Canals, Secretary General, MedCities
- Jamel Jrijer, Director of WWF North Africa
- Salem Miladi, Expert in Blue Economy, Westmed.
3:45 PM – 5:15 PM: Mediterranean Projects: Experiences and Testimonies
- Opening by Mehdi Ben Haj, Interim Director of the Coastal Protection and Development Agency, Tunisia.
- Mehdi Aissi, Marine Program Manager, WWF, Tunis
- Martial Bardolet, Head of Posidonia Seagrass Monitoring Service, Balearic Islands
- Borhène Daoudi, Architect – Smart & Resilient Cities Coordinator, Mediterranean Development Director – Setec International
- Imed Hamdi, Head of growth
- Ahmed Ghedira, President, Notre Grand Bleu Association, Monastir
- Vesna Kuralt, Project Manager, REMEDIS
- Mohamed Ali Marouani, Representative of IRD-CIRAD, Tunisia
- Bernard Mossé, Head of Education, Training, and Research, Neede, Marseille
- Lina Silveira, Project Manager, REMEDIS
- Christina Zeri, Blue Mission Med project.
5:15 PM – 6:00 PM: Drafting of Conclusions and Recommendations.
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Presentation of Conclusions and Recommendations in the presence of the Tunisian Minister of the Environment, Leïla Chikhaoui, and other guests.
8:30 PM: Dinner at Café le Pacha and “Fêtes de la Mer” Evening, Old Port of Bizerte (transfer from Nour Hotel at 8:20 PM).
2050, THE OCEAN ?
Friday September 23
8:30: « 2050, welcome, opening forum, presentation of the exercice and “Ocean 2050?” survey results»
Rym Benzina, Chairwoman of La Saison Bleue
Pascal Lamy, President of the Forum Mondial de la Mer-Bizerte
Gauthier Carle, Advocacy Officer of mission POC (Ocean & Climate Platform) (surveyresults presentation)
9:00-10:15 – PANEL 1: « 2050, governance, geopolitics, security ? »
Yann Briand, Head of the Strategy and Policy Office, Office of the Chief of Staff of the French Navy
Catherine Chabaud, Initiator of the appeal for the Ocean as a common good for humanity, sailor, member of the European Parliament Renew Europe (Renaissance list)
Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Ambassador for the poles and maritime issues, Special Envoy of the Presidency of the Republic
Julia Tasse, Researcher, head of the Climate, Energy, Security program at IRIS
10:15-11:30 – PANEL 2:« 2050, climate, biodiversity, effects of populations ?»
Joachim Claudet, Director of Research, CNRS
Rémi Parmentier, President-The Varda Group
Geneviève Pons, Vice Chair, “Europe Jacques Delors” Institute
Romain Troublé, President of the Ocean & Climate Platform, Director General Manager of the Tara Ocean Foundation
Coffee break from 11:30 to 11:45 a.m
11:45-13:00 – PANEL 3: « 2050, knowledge, science, innovation? »
Pierre Bahurel, Chairman, General director, Mercator Ocean
Elisabetta Balzi, Head of the Health of the Ocean and Seas Unit at the European Commission*
Henrik Enevoldsen, Head of Centre, Ocean Sciences Section IOC, UNESCO
Sieglinde Gruber, Active Senior Advisor European Commission
François Houllier, Chief Executive Officer of the IFREMER*
Mohamed Ali Marouani, IRD/Cirad Representative in Tunisia
Patricia Ricard, President of the Paul Ricard Institute, France
Lunch, summary of the first three workshops 13:00 to 14:30 p.m
14:30-15:45 – PANEL 4: « 2050, sustainable blue economy, new technologies and energies?»
Elyes Ben Rayana, Member of the Board of Directors of BIAT
Gilles Kleitz, Executive Director – Sustainable Development at AFD
Pascal Lamy, President of the Paris Peace Forum
Mounir Majdoub, Consultant and facilitator, specialist in environmental and sustainable development policy
Mikaa Mered, Secretary General Head of Overseas Environment, Sciences Po
Camille Morel, Researcher, Institute of Strategy and Defense Studies (IESD), Jean Moulin Lyon III University
15:45-18:00 – PANEL 5: « 2050, Mediterranean? »
With the BLUE PLAN:
Khadija Amine: In charge of sustainable development and prospection, Plan Bleu
Bechir Bejaoui, Teacher-researcher, INSTM
Rym Benzina, Director, Forum Mondial de la Mer-Bizerte
Mehdi Ben Haj, Director, APAL( Tunisia)
Jamel Jrijer, Director of the WWF North Africa Office in Tunisia
Lina Tode, Assistant Director, Plan Bleu
18:00-18:30: conclusions, recommendations
18:30-19:00: Closing
Samir Abedellaoui, Governor of Bizerte
Leila Chikhaoui, Minister of Environment, Tunisia
19:00: Networking cocktail and press interview
Friday September 24
Samir ABEDELLAOUI, Governor of Bizerte.
Kamel BEN AMARA, Mayor of Bizerte.
Asma SHIRI LAABIDI, Secretary General of Maritime Affairs, Tunisia.
Habib AMMAR, Minister of Tourism, Tunisia.
Rym BENZINA, President of La Saison Bleue
Pascal LAMY, President of the Forum Mondial de la Mer-Bizerte
Pascal LAMY, President of the Forum Mondial de la Mer-Bizerte.
Geneviève PONS, Director General of the Europe Jacques Delors Institute, Brussels.
Alan DEIDUN, Ocean Ambassador, Malta*
Cyprien FONVIELLE, Managing Director Neede Mediterranean*
Marius VASCEGA, Head of Cabinet of the Commissioner for the Environement, Oceans and Fisheries.
Presentation of the “GHODWA, Youth and Environment” project and of the winners of AMWEJ 2021.
Mounir BOULKOUT, Chairman and CEO, Selt Marine.
Vincent DOUMEIZEL, Senior Advisor United Nations Global Compact.
Lunch 13:00 to 14:30
Kamel DOUKH, Ministry of Equipment, Houssing and infrastructure, Tunisia.
Marius VASCEGA, Head of Cabinet of the Commissioner for the Environement, Oceans and Fisheries.
Nasser KAMEL, Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean.
Annick GIRARDIN, Minister of the Sea, France.
Ricardo SERRAO SANTOS, Minister of the Sea, Portugal.
H.S.H Prince ALBERT II, Principality of Monaco.
Robert CALCAGNO, Directeur of the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco and .Francoise GAILL, Oceanographer .
The exchanges will be moderated by Olivier Poivre D’ARVOR, Ambassador of the Maritime Poles and Issues, France
Opening by Philippe MEUNIER, CEO of AViTeM*
Bénédicte DUMEIGE, Moderator
Jean-Marc ANDRE, Editor-in-chief Midi Libre*
Hayet BAYOUDH, Mayor of Carthage, Tunisia.
Ahmed BENALLAL BENALLA, Delegate to Tunisia, representative of the Catalunya’s Government, Spain.
Adnen BOUASSIDA, President of the National Federation of Tunisian Communes.
Ahmed CHAKER, Director General of the Coastal Protection and Development Agency (APAL), Tunisia.
Céline CABAYE, Representative of the Mayor of SETE, France*.
Sébastien DENAJA, Regional Councillor for the Occitanie Region, France*
Habib DHAOUADI, Mayor of Gabes, Tunisia.
Amel LIMEM, Mayor of the Goulette, Tunisia.
Christophe MADROLLE, Elected from the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region, President of the Biodiversity, Sea and Coast Commission.
José Enrique Millo ROCHER, Secretary General for External Action of the Junta de Andalucia, Spain.*
Imen OUARDANI, 1st Vice Mayor at Municipaliity of Sousse, Tunisia.
Gilles SIMEONI, President of the Executive Council of Corsica.
Elected from Mediterranean countries and Youth Parliament, EU For Ocean
Saturday September 25
Asma SHIRI LAABIDI, Secretary General of Maritime Affairs, Tunisia.
Karim AMELLAL Interministerial Delegate for the Mediterranean, France.
Néjib FRIJI, Director of the International Institute for Peace, (IPI, MENA).
Khalil ATTIA, Director of the regional activity center dedicated to specially protected areas in the Mediterranean.
Samia BOUFARES, Director of Coastal Ecosystem Management at APAL, Tunisia.
Puri CANALS, President MedPAN, Spain*
Hedi CHEBILI, Secretary General Medfund.
Jamel JRIJER, Director of WWF North Africa.
Nadia OUNAIS, Director in charge of international/Vise président- International Affairs, Oceanographic Museum of Monaco.
Stéphane PAILLER, Deputy Director Climate & Environment, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, France.
François HOULLIER, Chief Executive Officer of the French Institute for Research for the Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER), France.
Hechmi MISSAOUI, President of the National Institute of Science and Technology of the Sea, (INSTM), Tunisia.
Patricia RICARD, President of the Paul Ricard Institute, France*
Valérie VERDIER, CEO of the Research and Development Institute (IRD), France*
Lunch 12:45 to 14:00 p.m.
14:30 – Fight against all marine pollution
Sinem DEDETAS, General Manager of Istanbul Ferry Lines Co, Turquie*
Jamie FURNISS, Researcher (anthropologist) at the Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain, France.
Samir KHEDHIRA, Inspector Controller of ANPE, Tunisia.
Awatef LARBI MESSAI, Ministry of Environment and Local Affairs, Tunisia.
Geneviève PONS, Director General of the Jacques Delors Institute, Brussels.
Richard SEMPRE, Océanographe- géochimiste, Directeur de l’Institut des sciences de l’océan d’Aix-Marseille Université, France.
15:30- Commit to sustainable fishing
Valerio CRESPI, FAO Coordinator for North Africa and FAO Representative in Tunisia.
16:15 –The new requirements of maritime transport
Youssef Ben Romdhane, Director General of Maritime Transport and Ports, Tunisia.
Gabino GONZALEZ, Director of REMPEC, Malta*
Salem MILADI, WESTMED, Tunisia.
Océane RIGNAULT, Maritime Affairs Department, France*
Susana SALVADOR, Executive Secretary ACCOBAMS, Monaco*
Cherif SAMARI, Blue Med, Tunisia.
Show produced By Daly OKBY Director for the Agora
Rym BENZINA, President of La Saison Bleue & Pascal LAMY, President of the World Sea Forum-Bizerte
The debates on September 24 and 25 will be moderated by Mehdi BEN HAJ and Olivier POIVRE d’ARVOR.
For safety reasons, some guests will intervene remotely
Word of welcome
8h06 – 8h26 (Tunisian time ) 9h06 – 9h26 GMT+2 (French time)
- Rym Benzina
President of La Saison Bleue
- Pascal Lamy
President of Forum Mondial de la Mer – Bizerte
- Mohamed Gouider
Governer of Bizerte
- Kamel Ben Amara
Bizerte’s mayor
8h30 – 9h10 ( Tunisian time) 9h30 – 10h10 GMT+2 (French time)
- Olivier Poivre d’Arvor
President of national maritime museum, France
Speakers :
- Chokri Ben Hassen
Environment minister, Tunisia
- Peter Thomson
Special Envoy for Oceans, United Nations (UN)
- Mariya Gabriel
European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
- Geneviève Pons
Vice-President and Director General Europe Jacques Delors, Brussels
- Petteri Taalas
Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization
Plenary session: Rethinking and bluing capitalism: Plenary room
9h20 – 10h35 (Tunisian time) 10h20 – 11h35 GMT+2 (French time)
The role of the Blue Economy for the decarbonization and recovery of the economy
- Olivier Poivre d’Arvor
President of national maritime museum, France
Speakers :
- Pascal Lamy
Chair Of the Mission Board Healthy Ocean, Seas, coastal and inland waters
- Isidro Gonzalez
Deputy Secretary General of Union for the Mediterranean
- Ahmed El-Sawalhy
Director of the African Union – Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)
- Letícia Carvalho
Head of the Marine and Fresh Water Branch, at the Ecosystem Division.
- Ariel Troisi
President of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC of UNESCO)
- Laura Giuliano
Director of Science at CIESM
- Paul Holthus
President and CEO of World Ocean Council
- Mehdi Ben Haj
Commissioner General of Forum Mondial de la Mer – Bizerte
Film screening
10h30 – 10h34 (Tunisian Time) 11h30 – 11h34 GMT+2 (French time)
10h35 – 11h35 (Tunisian time) 11h35 – 12h35 GMT+2(French hour) | ||
Workshop 1 : Entrepreneurship at sea: forecasting, transparency and accessibility in the Mediterranean ( Hannon room) | Workshop 2 : What governance for the sea: preservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of the Mediterranean ( Neptune room) | Workshop 3 : A clean, healthy and resilient Mediterranean ( Didon room) |
How to generate and organise the necessary science and data to better understand, monitor, and predict the Mediterranean Sea and its impacts on communities? How to uncover the full range of solutions it provides?
Head of Department of Databases and IS at APAL
European Marine Board
European Commission N.N., Copernicus
Emeritus Chief Scientist, WMO
EMSO ERIC Director General
Aquaculture and Marine Environment Engineer
Irish Ambassador for the Ocean, member of the EU Ocean Mission Committee | How can we ensure the rational exploitation of marine resources? How to regenerate degraded marine habitats in the Mediterranean and in Europe by 2030 ?
Director of National Institute of Marine Science and Technology
Physician and epidemiologist with expertise in the environment and human health
President of Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, IT
Director of the Mediterranean Marine Biodiversity Centre (SPA/RAC)
Deputy Head of unit, Fisheries Management Mediterranean and Black Sea, DG MARE
Director of Ecology and Natural Ecosystems at the Ministry of the Environment
Directeur Institute of Marine Sciences, METU Erdemli MERSİN, Turkey | How to achieve zero-pollution, plastic-free Mediterranean by 2030? What are the most urgent activities to undertake?
Head of Unit DG Research&Innovation, European Commission
Ocean Ambassador for Malta, member of the EU’s Mission Board for the Oceans, Department of Geosciences
Programme Officer (OPRC) at Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC)
Project Manager at Ifremer
Fondation Sufrider Foundation, France
Professor, Blue Med |
11h40 – 12h15 (Tunisian time) 12h40 – 13h15 GMT+2 (French time)
- Olivier Poivre d’Arvor
President of national maritime museum, France
- Pascal Lamy
President of Forum Mondial de la Mer – Bizerte
- Rym Benzina
President of La Saison Bleue
- Mehdi Ben Haj
Commissioner General of Forum Mondial de la Mer – Bizerte
- Habib Ben Hadj Kouider
Managing Director of the BNA
- Mounir Boulkout
Chief Executive Officer of SELT Marine Group