With the national week inaugurated by Minister Hamsa Hadi Barre, Mogadishu is initiating a new approach aimed at making the fishing sector a driving force in the economy.

Somalia’s Prime Minister, Mr. Hamsa Abdi Barre, who inaugurated the National Fisheries Development Week on Wednesday, said it was time for Somalis to benefit from fisheries resources.

According to the Prime Minister, the government expects that, in the coming years, 50% of the national budget will come from fishing. If this resource is exploited as a priority, it will transform the country’s economy considerably.

Mr. Hamsa called on Somali businessmen to invest in the country’s fishing sector, taking advantage of international market opportunities, and the government will focus on building the country’s important infrastructure, in particular ports and roads linking the Somali coast.

The Prime Minister, who thanked the Ministry of Fisheries and the Blue Economy for organizing the conference, said the Danish government was striving to find powerful, low-cost energy to facilitate investment and enable investors to obtain cheap electricity.

He called on the Somali people to defend their country and its resources, reminding them of the role played by their leaders in defending the country and nationalism.

Source: APA News

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